Proverbs 13:12
It has taken me almost a month to post about this...I just am at a loss for words! It is hard for me to put into words the joy, and happiness our family has experienced over the last few weeks. It is with a thankful heart that is bursting with joy that I can finally announce - we are a family of FOUR! On December 5th I recieved a phone call from our social worker around 12:30 in the afternoon. He asked if I was ready for an early Christmas present??? My heart almost beat out of my chest as he told me to call Ryan and meet him at the hospital as soon as possible. A little boy had been born two days earlier and his birth parents were considering an adoption. They had not signed the termination papers, so this was an "at risk" placement. Ryan and I met this sweet little angel, and it was most definitely love at first sight! That is when the fun began....we had 45 minutes to race to Target to buy a carseat, blankets, clothes, diapers, wipes, formula...everything! Thankfully we had amazing family and friends who quickly came to our rescue and brought all of the nessecities to help us through that first night! We had nothing...partly because we were not prepared at all for a placement that quickly and also because I didnt want to stare at baby things for months and months before we were matched, it was too painful. We brought our sweet little boy home around 5:30 that Monday evening! Talk about a whirlwind!
The next day, we went back to the agency to meet the birthparents and hopefully to get the TPR signed so that we could breathe! Their story is another post in itself...but the short version is that this was not a typical adoption placement at all. They are married, and have five children at home, they are incredibly poor, no phone, no car, and no means to care for another child. My heart absolutely ached for them. Despite their choices, I truly believe they are good people and they LOVE their children. It was heart wrenching watching them make the hardest, most selfless decision of their life. Ryan and I both loved them, and we pray for them daily. After a few hours, we left with the baby (still no TPR signed) and finally received a call that they both signed the termination papers late that afternoon. It was definitely mixed emotions of joy for us and agony for them. (More on them later)
He was ours!!!
Chandler Henry Farrell has been an absolute blessing and a gift from GOD! We love him so much and he is such a perfect fit for our family. God's plan is breathtaking.

The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.
Psalm 126:3