Monday, September 8, 2008

Sunday Supper

Yesterday we enjoyed a wonderful day with family! Mimi and Poppa and Aunt Kat came over! Nanna and Poppy joined us too! We watched the Texans (get stomped), grilled steaks and laughed at Charlie mostly... He was putting on quite a show for all of his guests. Mimi brought over his new Halloween costume that fits his personality to a tee....a silly monkey! After lunch and LOTS of playing, we all look over to see Charlie passed out in the recliner, which is a first! He did not want to take a nap while all of his company was there, but as soon as he climbed up in that big chair and Poppy started rocking him, he drifted off and lost the fight!

He tried to fight his nap...and lost!

Aunt Kat and the Silly Monkey!
Charlie's guilty face!

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