Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ashley...and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day!

Growing up this was one of my FAVORITE books...for some reason children find the misfortune of others so funny! From the moment Alexander wakes up with gum in his hair, to the moment he gets in bed with a burnt out nightlight, things just do not go Alexander's way. No wonder Alexander wants to move to Australia! The book ends with his mother's assurance that everyone has bad days, even people who live in Australia.

Well yesterday...I had a terrible,horrible, no good, very bad day! I woke up to find my house a disaster, the way I had left it the night before because I refused to clean on Mother's Day! Although, it is not pleasant to start a Monday off to a mess. I tried not to let it get me too anxious, and got dressed for work. I burned my wrist with my straightener while fixing my hair...ouch! I went to wake Charlie up, who lately is like trying to wake up a hibernating bear...no mommy, I tired...no mommy, leave me alone! I got his breakfast ready, and laid out his clothes and shoes for the day. I then went and told Ryan I was leaving and to have a good day...
When I got in my car to leave...the car wouldn't start, I tried several times. SERIOUSLY?! Ugh...went back inside to tell Ryan, this created a bit of chaos as I rushed to get Charlie dressed so that they could drop me off at work on their way. Ryan reminded me it was trash day...so I took it upon myself to help get the trash into the trash can, as I did...I managed to drip garbage on my pants!!! I let out a frustrated scream and went to change quickly. That was it! I couldn't fight back the tears at this point. Ryan dropped me off at work, and as I walked into my building on a hot and muggy Monday, I wiped away the tears that my morning had caused and tried to pull it together. At this point I realized that I didn't even get my morning diet coke...something that is a necessity to get me through!! Ugh...
I powered through the work day, ate lunch from the vending machine and tried not to feel so sorry for myself! Monday afternoon I received an email from my workout partner asking if I was going to boot camp after work?? Oh Lord...boot camp sounded like the last thing I wanted to do on my dreadful day...I told her about my car, and rest of the day to try and prep her for my decision not to exercise. She told me that I was going and that she would drive me!!! Ugh... I tried to look on the bright side, maybe I could get some of my frustration out by going to boot camp. By the way, I hate boot camp, it is brutal, and it is the last place I wanted to be to finish off my terrible day. When we showed up shortly before 6, our trainer wasn't there,could it be?! I have to admit this made me happy...I thought maybe I wont have to go! We drove down the street to another place he sometimes has the camp, thinking maybe we missed an email...nope, not there either! I was smiling at this point and told Mollie to just drop me off at home! She said lets go back and check one more time to make sure he isn't there....and of course, who's bright and shining faces do we see when we pull back up....our trainer and the other 4 skinny girls in our camp!!! Ugh... Mollie laughed at my reaction and told me to come on!! Our trainer had us start off with our usual sprints to warm up our muscles...we lined up and waited for our signal to start...GO! I was off.....until I ate it and tripped on what must have been my own feet, and landed knees and hands first into the sticker burs...OUCH! I popped back up and all I could do was laugh at that point!! My trainer rushed over to see if I was OK, then he got his chuckle in too! I managed to finish the rest of the hour without passing out or throwing up, which in my opinion is a success.
Whew...what a day....and it wasn't over yet....
I hobbled into the house after boot camp to find everything picked up and the floors vacuumed! The kitchen was sparkling and the air smelled of my favorite candle!
My sweet baby boy greeted me with a huge hug and...Mommy,I missed you! My sweet husband had cleaned the house and had already cooked dinner for Charlie. What a wonderful surprise! He also told me that my car was working just fine too! We decided to take our daily trip to the new house to see the progress...and I loved the new paint colors! When we got home Charlie was a perfect little angel, listening, and being extra sweet!
The terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day was over...and in fact it ended on a high note. I am very lucky to have those two handsome boys in my life, they can make any bad day better!


Stacey said...

When it rains it pours, huh. I am so sorry about your day. But happy that it ended on a high note! I thought of you several times yesterday. I almost called you last night- but decided I better not. You may have crashed early to make the day end faster :)

Ashley said...

Thanks Stac! It definitely could have been worse...
Happy Tuesday!!!

Judy (Mimi) Hayes said...

Gee, Ash, I didn't realize from the one side of the conversation that I heard from you and Dad that things had been so yucky earlier in the day. You were just sharing all the good news! My Monday was somewhat like that too. It ended much better than it started and I guess that's alot to be thankful for!


Ashley said...

Well, when I talked to Dad yesterday I had just come home to a clean house and my sweet boys so my spirits had been lifted!!

Gail said...

wow! missed one day of reading your blog...and look what I missed! So sorry...what a horrible day...so glad it ended well. I think I am very proud of my son for recognizing and reacting!