My blog inspiration today came from an email that was sent to me about How to Calm your Anxiety, Stress and Worry. This is something I have worked on quite a bit lately and it is very helpful in order to lead a healthy, and more importantly HAPPY life, as well as creating a happy life for your family and loved ones. I have been known to be a worrywart but I have worked very hard to change because worry not only affects you, it affects everyone and everything around you. I admit that some worry is unavoidable and necessary. But worrying needlessly about natural disasters, terrorism, 401K losses, Facebook status', global warming, swine flu, falling elevators, aliens, expiration dates, and the return of polyester....or obsessing over things that need to be turned off, put out, opened, closed, switched on, filled up, and not only unhealthy for you, but for everyone around you! Creating a healthy environment for your family to grow doesn't only consist of fruits and vegetables, it has a lot to do with attitude in general. Your family will not thrive on negativity and anxiety and worrying about the past, present and future...but will flourish with flexibility and positive encouragement!
The email sent to me this morning listed 10 ways you can stop worrying, and I found these very insightful!
1. Let There Be No Crisis Before Its Time
Don’t worry about something that will take place in a week, a day, or even an hour. The variables will be different then, than they are today. If you have to make a decision on Friday, wait until Friday, and see what the day brings.
2. Stay Grounded in the Present
Squash unnecessary worrying with one question: “Can I do anything about this matter right now, right this minute?” If the answer is “no,” stay in the present moment, jot down the thought, and then let it go.
3. Don’t Let Possessions Possess You
Don’t let objects rule you. Don’t give them the power to spoil your day. No one’s advocating that you don’t react upon losing or damaging something, but worrying over a problem after the fact can’t restore or bring anything back.
4. Set Worry Limits
If you can’t get worry under control right away, then establish limits. Set a timer or a watch alarm for 15 minutes. Tell yourself: “I feel the need to think about ________, but I can only afford to spend 15 minutes on it.” When the time is up, the alarm will be a tangible reminder to let the worry go.
5. Keep a Worry Journal
Write down your worries in a journal on a weekly basis. Referring to this journal often will show you how much time you waste by worrying. It will also serve as a reminder that most of the things you worry about don’t actually happen.
6. Be Your Own Disaster Master
Worrying is a choice, and you can choose not to do it.
7. Stop Playing God
You can’t plan for every outcome. Truth is, you don’t know what will happen five minutes from now, let alone tomorrow, so stop trying to do God’s job. Acknowledge the Divine is in charge with a prayer. Prayer has a calming effect that can center you and drive worry away.
8. Don’t Control Others with Your Worries
Worrying about loved ones wastes a lot of time and opens up the door to permanent estrangement. Let people be who they are. Stop forcing others to do what will make you feel better, instead of what they want.Don’t manipulate them into eating what you want them to eat, going where you want them to go, or doing what you want them to do. Give people credit for having half a brain and knowing what’s good or bad for them. You’ll cut your worrying in half.
9. Rein in Your Imagination
Many worriers are gifted with imaginations. Don’t use yours against yourself. Instead of doting on the worst case scenario, conjuring up negative images of doom and gloom, use your mind to form a positive picture.
10. Practice and Pretend
Practice and pretend not to worry and, in time, anxieties won’t paralyze you. But will I worry about not worrying and make myself anxious? I think not!
So...the moral of this post....DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY!