Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Spreading his wings

Charlie has attended Bright Beginnings Pre-School from the age of 18 months. We absolutely love the school, the teachers, the curriculum, and the friends we have made at BBPS. The school is divided up into four different classrooms, each classroom is named after a bird! On the right side of the building the babies (18 months-2 years)start their journey in the "green parrot" room, then migrate to the "yellow canary" room at 2-3years old. The left side of the building is where the 3-4 years old children are "red robins" and their last stop is for the 4-5 year olds in the "blue jay" room, where they prepare to take flight to kindergarten the following year.
Charlie recently flew to his next room, to be a red robin! A milestone that hit me a little longer on the right side of the preschool any baby is growing up! Charlie, however, is ecstatic about the move. He loves his new teachers and is comfortable with all of his friends, most of which have moved with him from green parrots, to yellow canaries, and now are red robins. Surprising to me, he had no issues at all moving up. The new room makes him feel confident, and excited to be a big boy! He is learning so much, and his favorite things to tell me about have been the computer enrichment lab, the animal science lab, and the fun games they play. He has learned to spell his name and is learning to write his name too. He can count to 50 or higher, uses sign language and spanish. The wealth of knowledge he brings home always astounds me!
It dawned on me the other day that naming the preschool rooms after birds is quite fitting. Birds are intelligent, always on a journey, they are lightweight yet strong, birds are social and vocal and communicate through calls and songs....very comparable to our preschoolers stages of life. Charlie has grown strides at Bright Beginnings and although I would like for them to put a book on his head to keep him is comforting having him in such a wonderful, educational, and positive environment.
I asked him the other day, "where did my baby go, when did you get to be such a big boy?"...he said, "I am big because I am a red robin now Mommy!"

Green Parrot

Yellow Canary

Red Robin!


Judy (Mimi) Hayes said...

This made Mimi cry!!! Where did our baby go?

Stacey said...

Yay to our Red Robin! Before you know it he will be in Kindergarten!!

Gail said...

funny that Judy said it made her made me cry too. Seriously, all choked up here. What a great story!